Well, up until now, I've just sporadically posted about the pregnancy. (clearly, since the last post was when I was
almost to my second trimester and now I'm only a couple of weeks away from delivery!) But now I'd like to take this blog in a new direction and make it less about meeeeeeee and more about uuuuuuus and this new chapter of our lives. The big idea is to have at least 1 weekly post with updates and pics so that our family and friends can have constant updates since we are so far apart.
But since we're not quite to that point yet, let's just recap on what's been going on since August... As of today, I am 36 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I ended up switching doctors because the ones I was with just didn't suit me, but I
love love love the new woman I am with. Dr. Andrews is a family practice doctor, so not only is she seeing me through the rest of this pregnancy, but she will be baby's pediatrician when the time comes.
We found out on September 11th that we are having a little boy!! We have decided to name him Christopher Scott Gatlin, and we are so ready to meet him it is ridiculous! So far he is very shy and does not do acrobatics for anyone but his mommy for the most part--but daddy gets to feel him every now and then, too (especially when he tries to kick him out of bed at night, haha)! He is still very very high and tucks his little bum right up under my diaphragm any chance he gets...I like to say that he just wants to be close to my heart. (insert "awwwww")
We have his nursery all decorated and ready to go! We went with a sports theme, and it has turned out just absolutely precious! I can't wait to see him in his crib and in all of the little clothes that we have for him...and there are a
lot of clothes for him to be in and out of in the first few months as we apparently have NO self-control when it comes to cute little baby outfits!
Let's see, what else? As of right now, the plan is for me to be induced at 38 or 39 weeks, depending on what my body is doing. We want to be able to take me off of my blood thinners completely before I go into labor so that I'll have maximum chances for an epidural and minimal chances for heavy bleeds during the big show. So I'm good with that. I saw the Dr. Andrews the other day and she said that at my appointment next week we will start talking dates! She said that we may have to do it over a couple of tries and use some medicine to give me a kick-start if I'm not having any changes on my own, but we'll see. So as of this point, he should be here any time between Feb 10-24! There's no telling when we'll actually get to meet this little monkey...but I guarantee you it won't be a day too soon!
So that's kind of it for now. I'll post again after we meet next week. Again...will "try" to post weekly, but we'll see how things go. Ciao for now!