
Grandparent Weekend

Our first official weekend at home with Christopher was a Grandparents Weekend. My parents came down to visit Saturday afternoon; Sunday we welcomed David's parents, along with Michael and Jay (who happened to be camping in the area over the weekend as well). We had a wonderful time. Christopher really enjoyed the company and was on his best behavior, I am proud to report. ;)

Today we took Christopher to David's office to visit the guys up there and a couple of ladies from the court house came by to see the baby as well, then on the way home we stopped at the Blair police station and introduced Christopher to Joe the Blair Chief of Police...they'll be patrolling together soon, so I'm told. haha

Everyone has been very excited to meet him, and it's been a lot of fun showing him off! This week, I get to take him to MY office and let everyone at CLS meet him in person! I'm very excited for our first trip to Norman, but am a bit apprehensive at the same time. It's going to be interesting being away from home base for a couple of days on top of our already FUBAR schedule...but I am sure it will be perfectly wonderful.

Here are some pics from the weekend among other things...I'm told that I "HAVE" to post new pics with every blog as a part of standard Baby-Blog etiquette haha, so here we go! ;)

Christopher with my parents on Saturday

With Nani and Papaw on Sunday...
David gathered him up to go change his diaper, and he was sleeping with one hand down his pants...just like a man! That cracked me up!
Buddy snuggled up with Daddy and Christopher this evening for some quality "boy-time". It was really sweet.

1 comment:

Michelle Shults said...

When are you coming? I love the hand down the pants pic!!