
Ahhhh home again...

We have spent the past two weekends in a row in Norman--but now we are home for a few weeks and I am ecstatic! I'm really excited that tomorrow is Friday and I don't have to worry about trying to pack clothes for the weekend! ;) Good times.

Can you believe that Christopher is 8 weeks old today??! He really is growing every day and changing before my eyes. It's really awesome to get to see him morph into a beautiful little man.

My little Goo is doing fantastically this week. I've kind of taken it upon myself to be the bathtime guru and have really been enjoying bathtime since he can finally be fully submerged in water. I'm shooting for every other day when I can get him to cooperate, but ya know, whatever. One thing I've learned this week, Goo loves his baths, but he hate-hate-hates getting out! I swear you would think I was performing some sort of cruel torture when he comes out of there. I mean, I know it's a little chilly, but gah, don't be such a baby about it! Sheesh. :P

Ummm what else? Really nothing much--this week has pretty much flown by. I can't believe it's the middle of April already. My time off of work is coming to a rapid close with only 3 more weeks to go. :( I am really not looking forward to starting back again. I mean, yeah it'll be nice to get back to my peeps, but it breaks my heart that Christopher will have to go to daycare now. I really need to start playing Powerball....

1 comment:

Michelle Shults said...

Miles was and still is the same with baths. It's really become a 2 person job in our house because I need someone to entertain while I dry, dress, and diaper. We're all looking forward to seeing you again, but I'm not gonna lie, that 1st week back is hard. Part of the reason I have a blog is so I can get on during the day and look at pictures of Miles when I'm missing him. It does get easier though.